Rosa moved with her parents at a young age to be closer to her father’s parents. She also had a brother named Sylvester who was born a couple years after she was. Rosa grew up and eventually went to high school at age 11. After high Raymond school at age 19, Rosa got married to her husband Raymond. They both worked. Rosa worked as a seamstress and Raymond worked as barber and he was also self educated.
Besides rosa being the mother of civil rights movement she also work at a shirt factory and she was a seamstress for a store. Rosa got on the the bus when she confronted by the bus driver to give up her seat for a white passenger in the colored section so she was arrested for refusing to moving seat and she was everyone protested agenist it even Martan Luter King. Martin Luther king made a protest because he didnt think that it was right that rosa was arrested and fined For standing her ground as a black woman. Had a long lasting supreme court hearing that ended up having Them get a new pastor which …show more content…
It mostly connects to (tkamb) because it involves alot of racism then they put them in jail for problems they couldn't back up with evidence.
They did a freedom walk for the arrest of Rosa Parks then latter rosa parks and martin luther king did a non violent protest for her to show that what she did was right and it wasnt right for her to give up her spot on bus in her own section for a man that was of the same race. It came to rosa at one point and time that she wanted to be a teacher but she quit school for some