However, their number system was flawed, it had no zero (0), and no single method for counting above several thousand units, (lines were often placed over numerals to indicate multiples of their value).The eventual fall of the Roman Empire by 300 A.D. saw the introduction and adoption of Arabic numerals, today we call them decimal numbers because they work consistently to a base of 10. The invention of zero (nothing) was a huge leap forward. Roman numerals today are used most frequently seen as list numbers, time pieces and historic Roman coins, art and antiquities in museums and antique shops. Nearly all computer word processing packages (Word, PDF) allow uppercase and lowercase Roman numerals as list item indicators. Roman numerals or numbers are also used in classic style watch and clock faces where the Roman number for 4 is often written as IIII rather than IV, to add symmetry and balance to the face. Quite often you can see numerals used to indicate the time on
However, their number system was flawed, it had no zero (0), and no single method for counting above several thousand units, (lines were often placed over numerals to indicate multiples of their value).The eventual fall of the Roman Empire by 300 A.D. saw the introduction and adoption of Arabic numerals, today we call them decimal numbers because they work consistently to a base of 10. The invention of zero (nothing) was a huge leap forward. Roman numerals today are used most frequently seen as list numbers, time pieces and historic Roman coins, art and antiquities in museums and antique shops. Nearly all computer word processing packages (Word, PDF) allow uppercase and lowercase Roman numerals as list item indicators. Roman numerals or numbers are also used in classic style watch and clock faces where the Roman number for 4 is often written as IIII rather than IV, to add symmetry and balance to the face. Quite often you can see numerals used to indicate the time on