In ancient Rome, …show more content…
The simple structure that a Roman bath once was turned into quite a complex piece of architecture as time went by. The new recreational activities at roman baths stemmed from the gymnasium to include places of leisure and relaxation. Lecture halls and libraries could now be found at bathing sites in Rome. The evolution of bathing principles in Roman society continuously evolved. A courtyard became necessary at the Roman bathing sites for it was yet another place to exercise (see diagram, the courtyard is called the “Palaestra”. A large swimming pool could even be found within the courtyard at certain bathing sites and could often have colonnades surrounding the pools edge. Amenities, ever evolving in Rome, offered the architect of bathing spaces the opportunity to add on the once simple bath house. New spaces had places to eat (and purchase food) as well as places to buy goods on site. Exercise became such a key component to the bathing sites that athletic competitions were now held within a bathing site. Stages became incorporated within the space as a place to hold performances. The bath house was …show more content…
Bathing became a fine art. This became a developed and standardized ritual to be practiced within the bathhouse, which was created in Rome. Several rooms were required because of the extensive steps now necessary to prepare one’s body for immersion in baths. It is important to note that the Roman act of bathing set a standard for the spa-like process that can now be found across Europe and now, within America. The modern-day spa is an intimate space that also creates a unique way of communicating by means of people socializing with other people receiving spa treatments, and then leave that space. A community of workers run a modern day spa. A community center was established in Rome.
Conversation occurred in Roman bathing just as it occurs in modern spas. Invitations were extended in Roman baths to people’s houses. Rome was a place where status mattered. Because of this, Emperors often built baths to become popular with different classes of people who went to the baths. Emperors often gave peoples days of free admission to gain favor. Baths were often even commissioned to be a gift for other