Many other young women died from botched illegal abortions and thousands of others were horrifically scarred or severely injured. The Society for Humane Abortion tried to help by teaching women safe self-aborting techniques. but they could not reach everyone. One woman wrote to them asking for help, “Since I don’t intend to go through this I figure an illegal abortion is my only way out of suicide. Please help me.” Thousands of women were calling out for help year after year. In 1953 nine out of ten married women who became pregnant got abortions. That means that 22% of married women aborted at least one of their pregnancies. In the 1960’s one million American women had abortions each year. However, botched abortions claimed five thousand to ten thousand of those women thousands more suffered health risks related to illegal abortions. All women needed changes to help them both mentally and physically become healthier (Gold p. 15-21; Greenhouse p. …show more content…
Roe v. Wade took place at the US District Court for the Northern District of Texas. Roe v. Wade politically divided America more than any other Supreme Court case. The case was so controversial because it debated ethics, religion, and biology and definitively ruled on them all. The case pitted Jane Roe v. Henry Wade, Jane Roe was arguing for the women’s right to choose to have an abortion. Henry Wade argued that the woman does not have the right to end the young life growing inside of her. Many women rights activists commented on the case, bringing women’s rights to the forefront of the case, and putting the thought that a woman’s right to abortion must be included in the 14th amendment. A very influential women’s rights activist Betty Freidan commented, “There is only one voice that needs to be heard on the question of the final decision as to whether a woman will or will not bear a child, and that is the voice of the woman herself.” Meanwhile, many religious leaders became outraged at the cry for legal abortion. Opposition pushed that any way to stop a child born being born is wrong, including using preventatives. Opposition leaders quoted from many important, and well-known documents, including the Declaration of Independence and the UN Declaration on the Rights of the Child. One New Jersey Orthodox Rabbinic Council Testimony stated that, “Even if the fetus is the product of incest or rape, or an