College Education Vs College

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Now, a new trend of young people is not going to college, because they heard some special examples that people would be successful without college. The most famous example are Bill Gates gave up Harvard University, and choose to do his own business. Students start thinking that does college really have variable for them? Other reason is students and their parents need to pay more tuition than before, but students do not know how much could they earn. Should every student go to college? This is a question is asked by many students because of the college cost increases and jobs are harder to get. Yes, they should. In Rodney K. Smith’s article “Yes, A College Education is Worth The Cost”, Smith described the correlation between education and …show more content…
Just like the Chinese richest man Li Ka-shing saying: "Knowledge Changes Fate", college is a great place to help students explore what they want to do in the future and experience many new things. During four or more years in college, students have time and resources to explore many different areas in the humanities, social sciences, science, and professional fields such as business and engineering, and to take a variety of academic courses that will provide important background for particular careers. Students who exercise their minds and develop strategies to deal with hard problems over four years of college are likely to graduate with many skills and strategies that can be transferred to dealing with tasks later in life, both on the job and in their personal life. This will surely contribute to the progress of the world. Derek Bok claims, “The most obvious purpose of college education is to help students acquire information and knowledge by acquainting them with facts, theories, generalizations, principles, and the like” ( For instance, I work in CSSA of SBCC, it is a Chinese group to help Chinese students to deal with their problem at college. In the group, I learned how to communicate with teachers and students , how to organize an event, how to publicize an activity. I believe that these capabilities are university gives me, and for my future work is also helpful, so …show more content…
Some people think if students can not doing well in college, why should we let them go to college? Why not go to vocational school instead of college ? Dale Stephens describe in her article “ College is Waste of Time”, she claims, “College fails to empower to with the skills necessary to become produce members of today’s global entrepreneurial economy” (38). Also, they think college can be replaced and that social experience is more important than college experience. Marty Nemko in the article “ We Spend Too Many Students To College”, she points out “if you graduated in the bottom 40 percent of your high school class and went to college, 76 of 100 won’t earn a diploma, even if given 8 1/2 years. Yet colleges admit and take the money from hundreds of thousands of such students each year!”(32). However, college graduates have better career options, greater chance of landing a job, and better chance of progress in their career; and also for many companies, college grads is a limit requirement to get in. People who lack educational degrees are more likely to be limited to basic jobs in service, manufacturing and construction

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