Sometimes life can be hard. Sylvester once said “ it’s not about how hard you can hit, it’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward”. Life can be tough sometimes and it’s …show more content…
I was once an underdog, living in 3 different countries. I had to make friends on 3 different occasions, in 3 different countries. I had to learn the way of the country 3 different times. The underdog part comes in where people never gave me much of a chance saying how could you make friends again and again and I kept proving them wrong. I have earned their respect and the title as the real underdog. Before each soccer game/ sporting game I play, I have a ritual of looking at picture of Rocky and listening to a speech said by Rocky (Sylvester Stallone) about never giving up. This motivates me when I play the game and when I get tired and want to give up, I always think back to my pre game ritual of looking at the photo of Rocky holding the American flag and the one with him taking a hit and not giving up and going down, this gives me the extra energy I need to keep moving forward and gives me an extra pump and makes me wanting to never give up as “pain my last a minute and hour or even a year but it will subside” this quote sums up what I feel about the Rocky series and brand . I continue to sacrifice everyday to reach my goal of playing soccer and college level in the united states, it is not very easy to achieve what I am working to