The time came where I stared death in its face at yet another cross country race just two years after the first. As soon as I stepped off the bus I could tell it was gonna be a tough race, with the dry air, sun gleaming, the temperature feeling in the 90s and wind blowing my clothes around; the smell of dust and taste of cottonmouth was evident. Even throughout the warm up I could feel my body being drained, but I fought that by chugging 32 ounces of water throughout the pre-race rituals. The race started and everyone was fighting for the position they wanted while I was just trying to stay upright …show more content…
The first car accident I was in where the driver stopped too suddenly and the car behind us didn't have enough time to stop, and rear ended the car I was in. When I was hit by a car because I didn't slow down on a run and a truck hindered my sight of oncoming traffic at a stop sign, luckily neither I nor the car were damaged, though the driver and I both were very scared and an overwhelming sense of vibration went through my body. Freshman year of high school where a senior decided to use me as a choke dummy, and I could always feel those blinks, become longer and longer, and my breaths become shorter. All of these experiences I always wondered