Most diets were low in fat and non-processed, meaning there were no harmful chemicals added to the foods. The ancient human being “ate diets rich in low-fat meats and grains” (Marks). Their diets were much healthier than today’s typical meal, as today’s foods are full of fats and contain many harmful chemicals that most people are unaware of. Before, food was found wherever it grew or lived, nowadays food is all on neatly lined shelves in the nearest grocery store. As of this, there is not a lot of physical activity required to obtain food, whereas before the implementation of easy access grocers and chain supermarkets, people “had to stalk and capture the entrée for dinner” (Marks) and that was only part of how much physical activity they actually had. Since food was much harder to come by back then, their bodies were designed to “store nutrients as adipose tissue to be used for fuel to survive periods of famine” (Marks). Humans today consume foods that are higher in calories and fat and are storing them as sources of energy that are never being expended. The fat continues to add up due to the lack of physical activity. Americans are using less of the fat that they are consuming, and overweightness is the …show more content…
Fast foods have become a cornerstone of typical American life. Even in 1966, “7 percent of the population ate at the 11,400 McDonald 's franchises each day” (Woloson), Americans have been drawn to this sense of normalcy ever since. Americans are drawn to the sense of ease and availability that fast food establishments present them. Adding to the already inescapable human nature of craving these unhealthy foods, the amount marketing done to promote these places is staggering. “Approximately $2 billion per year is spent on marketing to children alone” (The Facts On Junk Food), this means that from a very young age, children, as they especially susceptible to accepting new ideas, are tempted into desiring these poisonous meals and the parents do very little to prevent their children from eating them. What is even more alarming is the fact that the ads are working very well, as “nearly 40% of children’s diets come from added sugars and unhealthy fats” (The Facts On Junk Food). The advertisements brainwash every upcoming generation into believing that fast food is what they should be consuming, and in turn, the fast food industry has an endless supply of consumers. Ads, combined with the natural human craving of fats and sugars, has a very large effect on the American people. “11% of the average American’s diet is made up of fast food” (Obesity in America). Americans have truly added