Some people will define rich as being spiritualy happy, regardless of finacinal circumstances or items in their possession. Instead considering themselves spiritually rich with wisdom and knowledge. On the other side of the spectrum, a person may have no spirituality but still consider themselves rich with disposable cash and luxury items they own. Everyone has a varied opinion on what they describe as rich, rather it be emotionally,physically, or spiritually.
In Funny In Farsi Dumas writes about her father who was …show more content…
But even though Kazem was not finically rich, He still believed himself rich. Dumas writes “ I asked him if it was hard to return to America, where he is far from wealthy. “But, Firoozeh,” he said, “I’m a rich man in America, too. I just don’t have a lot of money.” This goes to show that somebody might have no financial wealth but still be content with life and consider themselves wealthy in other aspects of their life.
funny in farsi showed me that a person does not have to have significant amounts of cash or expensive items to be happy with life. Kazeem did not have a lot of money in america yet he was happy and considered himself rich with family and love. This book also showed me america through firoozehs eyes and taught me to be more understand towards new immigrants to this country.
In conclusion their are many different ways to be rich and everyone has their own definition of being rich. Some people will only define themselves as rich if they have the latest clothes and the fastest cars while others may consider themselves very rich with healthy family and being emotionally