Throughout every political campaign ad, the ulterior motive has always been consistent: to coax the audience to vote for the nominee. There is a stark contrast as to how these campaign leaders have gone about in reflecting their core principles as well as how they stigmatize their competitors. In the 2012 Presidential election, between Mitt Romney and Barack Obama, the advertisements reflected the candidate’s goals and their prior experience in relation to these goals. However, back in the 1960s when television first became a public device, the onset of political ads lead to these ads becoming an integral part of the nominees campaign. In Obama’s ads, he has a calm disposition and talks as if he were talking to you personally using second person. It’s ironic because he describes this decision as not one between two political parties, but between two plans for America in the next four years, even though their respective ideas do represent the ideas of each party. Immediately after, he describes one of the economic principles Romney hopes to establish and Obama, in a calm demeanor, rebukes the idea by describing how this idea was attempted, but failed, in the past. He then proceeds to describe his beliefs and it is here that we understand the demographic that Obama is appealing to. His main focus is toward the middle class and what his reforms will do to benefit the middle class. Obama feels that strengthening the middle class will allow America to invest more in manufacturing as well as research for new self-sustaining energy. This will appeal to those in favor of new fuel-efficient and clean energy conservation. Throughout the commercial, Obama utilizes all forms of rhetoric to convey his message in a persuasive manner. With respect to pathos, he appeals to our emotions by placing this decision for America in our hands and discusses how our decision could greatly impact our lives. Since this was Obama’s second election for president, we can base his ethos off his experience in his first term. Obama had accomplished a lot in his first term by leading the death of Osama Bin Laden, lowering the unemployment rate, as well as passing the Affordable Care Act, which mandated Americans to purchase health care at a lower affordable cost. He incorporates logos with his list of plans he plans to put in place if he were to be reelected so it gives the American public a general understanding of the future. Kairos is an interesting piece of rhetoric because it applies to time or location, yet it isn’t universal because the content of the commercial must be a prevalent issue within American society. The discussion of the struggling middle class as well as energy conservation are current issues within the American economy and society, so it’s apropos for Obama to incorporate these issues into this particular ad. On the other side of the spectrum, Romney starkly contrasts how he presents his political ideas, by using …show more content…
Romney’s describes the increased unemployment rate, which is due to the poor fiscal management under Obama’s presidency. He then goes on to describe his past success as the governor of Massachusetts and his ability to transform one of his businesses into a successful one. Romney feels he can translate his success from the local scene to the national scene in restoring America’s economy back to its glory. The ethos used by Romney is his description of twenty-five years of economic experience and his understanding of the fundamentals of business and finance that he feels Obama is devoid off because of his inexperience. With regards to pathos, he focuses on American pride and how America always has been one of the forefronts of innovation and productivity. This is what allows him to appeal to the demographic of Americans who feel that America always has and will be the dominant nation of the world; and Romney’s rhetoric conveys this message …show more content…
Richard Nixon represented the Republicans while John F. Kennedy represented the Democrats in the 1960 Presidential debate. The presidential election culminated with John F. Kennedy elected as president in 1960. With the advent of television, both nominees took advantage and publicized their campaigns on TV. It’s funny because you’d expect to see a dramatically different style of ads compared to today, but politics never