By using the words of Google’s founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin, Carr attempts to regain credibility in the eyes of the readers and centralize them around his ultimate point which is that Google use is designed to rob its users of natural intelligence and cognition. Furthermore he states that Google’s founders “ desire to turn their search engine into an artificial intelligence, a HAL-like machine that might be connected directly to our brains.” to appeal to the ethics of the idea of artificial intelligence as applied by Google’s founders by alluding to the fact turning humans and machines is unethical. In addition Carr’s analysis seeks to harp on emotional strings by adding this …show more content…
Google users more specifically Millenial’s like myself use Google to provide us with accurate information backed by logic which includes facts , figures , graphs and tables all typical components of research. As previously stated the millennial's who use Google in an academic capacity use it primarily to research and to dig deep into facts to support the things we believe in. Therefore although there may be validity to the claim that Google is indeed making us less intelligent that claim cannot hold weight among researching millennial's because there is no research to prove its validity. That fact alone is the ultimate downfall of Carr’s analysis and his admittance of said fact renders his argument absolutely useless. By saying Google is making us stupid he echoed to the masses of Millennial's that they are now less intelligent than the preceding generations by growing up with something that is designed to progressively diminish the human intellect. Furthermore is claim the underlying assumption that he and his comrades born into the era of books libraries and paperback research are superior to us Millenials. The parody of this entire argument is that the only way to add validity to Carr’s argument against technology is the use of advanced technology that could possibly include artificial intelligence, the very thing he was seeking to