London: Routledge, 2001. eBook Collection (EBSCOhost). Web. 30 Sep. 2015. This book is the first book written about examining how reversal theory can be used in applied sport psychology. The book written by Doctor John Kerr explores elements of reversal theory under certain categories such as athlete’s experiences with stress. It includes real life case studies from performers in sport in every single chapter. He earned his M.D and Ph.D in psychology. Now he is a professor in the School of Kinesiology in Vancouver. Doctor John Kerr has written many sport and exercise psychology journals and books. Within this book there are many elements found; one example is athletes experiencing stress. I could use this to help show that stress is a possible factor of burnout found in pediatric …show more content…
E-Mail Interview. TBD. In a potential e-mail interview with Doctor Paterno, the Coordinator of Occupational Therapy and Sports Physical Therapy at the Children’s Hospital in Cincinnati. He is also an associate professor and apart of UC Department of Pediatrics. With his expertise in this field, he will be able to explain his opinion about reasoning behind pediatric burnouts within elite athletes. Paterno has his PT, MS, PhD and EMBA. The project he has been researching has been funded by NFL Charities and has been awarded the NCAA’s Research Award for the American Orthopedic Society in Sports Medicine. He has been working over time on balancing screening tools, but now he says they are one step closer to making BioSway the only balance tool to use while testing for concussions. His research interests are outcomes after a pediatric injury and risk factors of an injury and how successful one is after returning to the sport. Doctor Mark Paterno’s research on pediatric injury would help aid my future career in Physical Therapy and contribute to my research as a vital