The blocking of the doorways was a dangerous concern. In one doorway there was boxes blocking the exit, in another there was barrel of oil. The ninth floor was set up for disaster. Because the company was all about sewing their shirtwaists, the ninth floor was filled with sewing machines. For a sewing machine to run smoothly you would oil it, there explaining the barrel of oil. Since the machines needed constant oiling, the oil was all over the floor. When the fire spiked up from the eighth floor it hit the oil and the wildfire
The blocking of the doorways was a dangerous concern. In one doorway there was boxes blocking the exit, in another there was barrel of oil. The ninth floor was set up for disaster. Because the company was all about sewing their shirtwaists, the ninth floor was filled with sewing machines. For a sewing machine to run smoothly you would oil it, there explaining the barrel of oil. Since the machines needed constant oiling, the oil was all over the floor. When the fire spiked up from the eighth floor it hit the oil and the wildfire