This condition may be caused by rain, water, wind, and exposure to cold air. As the environment becomes colder, the body begins to shiver in order to produce heat; however, if it cannot generate enough heat to keep the …show more content…
Each stage has different symptoms and temperatures of the body. Mild hypothermia occurs when the temperature is between 90 and 95 degrees Fahrenheit. Symptoms of mild hypothermia are confusion, shivering, rapid heartbeat, and shortness of breath. As the temperature continues to decrease, it is then considered moderate hypothermia. Body temperature in moderate hypothermia ranges from 82 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit and is characterized by symptoms such as hardened muscles, decreased breathing and abnormal drowsiness. Lastly, the worst of the three stages of hypothermia is severe hypothermia. In severe hypothermia body temperature is less than 82 degrees Fahrenheit. This stage can result in reduced brain activity, slow pulse, sleepiness, loss of consciousness, and low blood pressure. In some cases, severe hypothermia will result in …show more content…
One way to prevent hypothermia is by wearing multiple layers of clothing made of wool, silk or polypropylene. A prime place where heat is lost is the head; therefore, wearing a good head covering reduces the risk of becoming hypothermic. In the article, “What is hypothermia?,” Sy Kraft mentions that, “Creating a winter survival kit for indoor safety, including non perishable food, blankets, a first aid kit, water, and necessary medications can help avoid hypothermia.” In addition, limiting time that is spent outdoors in states that experience severe winters can decrease the number of