Did you know that drinking alcohol can damage every organ in your body? That is one of the many, many reasons why alcohol and drugs are bad for you to have. It can also effect in slow body movement and memory loss too. Tobacco is just as bad has alcohol, because there are more than 200 KNOWN chemicals in a cigarette. It can also dry your skin and cause wrinkles, and I don’t think any one wants wrinkles at our age. So we should stay away from all that stuff or just say no. …show more content…
helps us do is help us solve our problems with the DDMM, it’s not just about saying no to drugs and alcohol you know. There are lots of ways to solve your problems like, non verbal language, using a confident voice, and not being a bystander. Plus there are lots of problems that can be solved like, bullying, peer pressure, and a whole lot more. Who knew we would be doing all of this in D.A.R.E.?!
The DDMM is something that helps me partly now but when you think about it, it will be way more helpful in the future. I will of course have to remember what I have learned in these 10 weeks, that went by like a blurr. I will have to remember all of the facts and things we were taught, think to walk away from trouble. And maybe one day in the future I might be teaching others the same thing.
We all need to remember what we were taught and think about it when we think we might need it, because it will help us in soooooo many ways. D.A.R.E. has helped us now but imagine how it will help us in the future. Even better think about what it will do for the kids that will soon learn about D.A.R.E in the