The Ancient Greek and Roman plays was very different from the church's moral plays. The Ancient Greek focused on the Tragedy of it's time. There was 32 tragedy presented by three playwrights Aeschylus (c. 525–456 BCE):, Sophocles (c. 495-406 BCE):, Euripides (c. 480–406 BCE):. They achieved the production of the plays not just the drama of the plays by tragedy. They brought about scenic painted views in the background in order to symbolize changing the play through the background that was painted panels. Beside the painted panels. In Sophocles play he would have people play several roles distinguishing them with different mask and robes. Sophocles was also known for Oedipus series of plays where the son falls in love with the mother and kills the father. It is in psychological terms today commonly refereed to the Oedipus complex. Euripides plays focused on the Greek Gods, Goddess, kings and queens of the days. It's rumored that during his time Euripides play was not much appreciate during his time as they are now. It's rumored he wasn't popular because of his strong women roles such as Medea. Aeschylus would later be known as the father of tragedy. The …show more content…
It was usually left to church high members and priest. The writing was in Latin and presented in Latin. This made it even harder for the people hearing it to understand. The church didn't think that theater was appropriate at one time because of the dramatics. The church thought it would take away from the morality that the church was trying to present to society. It would take away from the seriousness of sin or the word of God. How can you know the word of God if you cannot read or understand what is being said. This is where the Liturgy or moral plays would fit the order of teaching the word of God through action and drama. The moral plays of this period would help to bring people closer to the Christian religion. Before a lot of people illiterate or not couldn't understand what is being said. Now they could relate because they can self their self in the religion. I think the church feared the theater because the pass of ancient Greek and Roman plays.
The church decide to start showing the love of the Gods through play. They would present God to the Christians and present his words through moral plays they would call liturgy dramas. They say imitation is the highest form of flatter and this is what liturgy plays set out to do. Liturgy drama are meant to bring a live the scripture. The liturgy drama would usually have a narrator to describe the scenes. This might have been taken from Sophocles.