However china sees Dalai lama an enemy and threaten of the people's republic of china also refer to the Dalai lama rules as feudal serfdom under theocracy and claim that the future of Tibet must be decided by all there Chinese people. After Chinese occupation to Tibet and push to reform which cause losing lands of the farmers and citizens which lead to violent and bloody clashes between the monks and the Chinese authorities and that made the Dalai lama and his entourage leave and settle in India until nowadays. But Dalai lama maintain his activity while his in India and have the world attention for the Tibetan cause which make china feel threaten by him and treat him as an …show more content…
He also marks appearances on BBC travel programmers and made a lot of interviews in many different countries like Japan, USA, England and others. Further he holds numerous honorary of degrees from western universities and been in many different advertisement and magazines like in Hello magazine , advertise in Apple computers. On the other hand Buddhists were active in the west throughout the twentieth century and the western people often assume the Buddhism is a model for peaceful and wisdom which lead the Buddhist teaching and practice have become absorbed by western culture and Buddha statues have become home, restaurant and garden furnishing items. Another reason why some western find Buddhism attractive because it teaches faith though important and it offer practical ways to improve the experience of life. In 1989 the Dalai lama won the Nobel peace prize for his efforts of nonviolent campaign to end the Chinese domination of Tibet and his oppositions to violence and inquiry for peace and freedom. Besides he accepts the prize on behalf of oppressed everywhere and for all those who are working for peace and freedom his