This cloning involves the implantation of a cloned embryo into a surrogate mother to create a cloned individual. In contrast to the goal of therapeutic cloning, the goal of reproductive cloning is to create a new individual (“SCNT Animation”). One of the most successful cases of reproductive cloning was a cloned sheep named Dolly; she was the first mammal to be cloned from an adult cell. Dolly was part of a series of experiments at The Roslin Institute that were trying to develop a better method for producing genetically modified livestock (Palca). Once, artificial cloning of entire mammals was a thing of imagination, and now it is slowly but surely becoming reality. However, with the ever increasing research on SCNT, the ethical controversy and debate has also been …show more content…
Asexual propagation, for example, has been common practice in the horticultural world for hundreds of years (“Asexual Reproduction Cloning”). Yet people have been concerned about the newly emerging science of SCNT, and it’s role in therapeutic and reproductive cloning. People will likely hold onto their long-standing religious and societal values about human dignity, and it won’t change despite the breakthrough discoveries with cloning of all types. The use of cloning has been a long standing debate between medicinal benefits and ethical values, and it’s not likely to be solved soon. However, the ongoing controversy will not cease the development of new medicines possible through molecular and cellular cloning. Ultimately, the potential uses of cloning is constrained only by our