Having a regular sleep schedule knocks me off balance for what I may have to do. For example, if I go to bed at 9 p.m. every night and one night I have an extensive amount of homework, I probably won’t get my homework done that night. Dave professes in his article that “It’s better, then, to go to sleep the same time each night rather than going to bed early tonight to “catch up” from a late one last night.” In my opinion this cannot be true. If I go to bed the same time every night, I feel I will still be tired because I’m going to try and cram everything I can before my scheduled bed time and will remain tired the next morning from the amount of energy that was used. If I play “catch up” with my sleep, my “catch up” sleep will feel amazing. It feels exhilarating and refreshing to go to sleep for a longer time than you did the previous night, it makes you feel that you're doing your body a big favor giving it some time to rest with your “catch up” …show more content…
I believe using cell phones before bed can help people better sleep rather than not. Cell phones make you tired from the constant activity we perform on them. For example, using social media, shopping online, and playing phone games before bedtime tire people out because your mind is racing to the point where you feel it needs to slow down and take a break so you fall asleep. Dave claimed “Screen time needs to end an hour before bed” and then used Czeislers study as his evidence for the claim. Looking through the Czeislers study I found that the study doesn’t give enough information as to things such as what kind of book the students were reading and that the study also says they read the books 4 hours before they went to bed. The books the students read could have had a big affect on their sleep, a boring book with no substance could have put someone to sleep faster or a more exciting book could have kept someone up longer. Then, the fact that they read the book 4 hours before bed may not have had anything to do with their sleep seeing as its 4 hours before bed. People can do many things 4 hours before bed to make themselves fall asleep faster or