In addition to it being a public event, I did not expect for them to serve alcoholic beverages since children were around and they did not have a designated area for people drinking. However, it was not noticeable, which people were drinking but rather I saw a sign that said not alcoholic beverages beyond this point. Inclusive, coming from a town and school where smoking is not allowed, it was difficult because I do not like the smell and it gives me a headache. I was sad because while I was there I did not take any money with me to buy food so all I had was my card and they did not have the adequate equipment for a card. Attending this festival made me feel closer to home since I come from a town that the majority of the population are Mexican. While I was waiting for FAMA to perform it was heartbreaking that in the crowd a child got lost and it took a while for the parents to find him. I was surprised at the parents, because they saw how many people were there and some would still let their children be running around. Therefore, it was a pleasure to attend the Chicano Park Festival because it have insight on the significance of the
In addition to it being a public event, I did not expect for them to serve alcoholic beverages since children were around and they did not have a designated area for people drinking. However, it was not noticeable, which people were drinking but rather I saw a sign that said not alcoholic beverages beyond this point. Inclusive, coming from a town and school where smoking is not allowed, it was difficult because I do not like the smell and it gives me a headache. I was sad because while I was there I did not take any money with me to buy food so all I had was my card and they did not have the adequate equipment for a card. Attending this festival made me feel closer to home since I come from a town that the majority of the population are Mexican. While I was waiting for FAMA to perform it was heartbreaking that in the crowd a child got lost and it took a while for the parents to find him. I was surprised at the parents, because they saw how many people were there and some would still let their children be running around. Therefore, it was a pleasure to attend the Chicano Park Festival because it have insight on the significance of the