My preceptor talked me through the steps as I placed the nasogastric tube and pulled up the gastric contents for visual assessment. There was no blood present in the gastric contents, so we began to prepare the patient for a non-emergent colonoscopy as ordered by the provider. I was able to flush the patient’s central line and draw blood for a CBC. The other patient had respiratory distress and was exhibiting symptoms of ICU psychosis. This patient was very paranoid about anyone near the nurses’ station, and at one point the patient called 911 reporting that someone “has a gun pointed at me (the patient).” When the overhead intercom announced something, this patient also stood up and started walking down the hallway to “load the airplane.” According to patient self-report the patient had not slept all night. By the end of the shift, my preceptor had arranged the patient’s transfer to a step down unit with less
My preceptor talked me through the steps as I placed the nasogastric tube and pulled up the gastric contents for visual assessment. There was no blood present in the gastric contents, so we began to prepare the patient for a non-emergent colonoscopy as ordered by the provider. I was able to flush the patient’s central line and draw blood for a CBC. The other patient had respiratory distress and was exhibiting symptoms of ICU psychosis. This patient was very paranoid about anyone near the nurses’ station, and at one point the patient called 911 reporting that someone “has a gun pointed at me (the patient).” When the overhead intercom announced something, this patient also stood up and started walking down the hallway to “load the airplane.” According to patient self-report the patient had not slept all night. By the end of the shift, my preceptor had arranged the patient’s transfer to a step down unit with less