They had trouble paying the money requested by the states meet Revolutionary War debts. As a result state officials seized farmers’ lands to pay their debts and threw many farmers in jail.” As a result many farmers were enraged, including Shay so they all started Shay’s Rebellion. The people tried to talk to the government but…
His revolt also showed Americans that the United States of America under the Articles of Confederation had many flaws. This resulted in the new constitution that greatly changed the U.S. Shay’s Rebellion can be compared to the Pennsylvania Whiskey Rebellion in 1794. Alexander Hamilton proposed a heavy tax on whiskey and the people strongly disputed; the Whiskey Boys formed mobs and attacked federal tax collectors. The Whiskey Rebellion, on the other hand, was successful in challenging the rights of the federal government to pass and enforce laws, and the right to collect taxes from citizens. Shay’s Rebellion and the Whiskey Rebellion are very similar because two groups of rebels formed and violently fought people working for the government, in order to reduce unfair taxes.…
Although Shays and his followers were viewed as rebels, nevertheless the fact that they were treated unfairly, were not the “bad guys”, and were resisting for the better can’t be ignored. A point often overlooked, is how unfairly they were being treated, and it was not limited to just them. This unfair treatment included many other people who were in the same situation. This was explained in paragraph 1, Doc.…
According to the article, Shay’s rebellion was an attack on local enforcement of tax collections by American farmers. The most serious rebellion happened in Massachusetts. This place was plagued by economic depression, poor harvest, and higher tax collections. The name of rebellion is also the name of its leader. Daniel Shays, a former officer of the Continental army.…
The farmers rebelled against the state because they were being dispossessed of their property due to local enforcement of tax collections. These farmers were hard working men mainly living in the state of Massachusetts, but were in debt due the state raising taxes and increasing the costs in the courts. The main leader of the rebellion was a Revolutionary War Veteran from Pelham named Daniel Shays (the rebellion was named after him). The protests started as non-violent, but quickly escalated after the state failed to address any of the petitions it had to help solve the farmers’ debts. By December 1786, James Bowdoin, the Massachusetts Governor, mobilized a force of 1,200 militiamen to fight against Shay and the rebels which was led by General Benjamin Lincoln, a former Continental Army General, and was funded by local merchants.…
Shay’s Rebellion “What country before ever existed without a rebellion?” In 1786, a group led by Daniel Shay protested taxes that were raised by 100%. They protested because they were not able to pay their taxes because they we not wealthy. This caused many farmers to be thrown in jail. As a result, 1,500 farmers broke into the government arsenal and steal weapons causing the local militia to kill 4 of the farmers.…
In 1788, Alexander Hamilton convinced New Yorkers to approve and ratify the U.S constitution. George Washington, the very first president of the United States, was in office from 1789-1797. The Whiskey Rebellion, one of the most important rebellions during his presidency, led to the Militia Act of 1792. The second president of the United States was John Adams (1797-1801). By the time he took office, Britain and France were in war and this had an effect in the trade of America.…
Nicholas Gilman, a representative from New Hampshire, believes that the unconventional Articles of Confederation need to be changed and the Constitution needs to be ratified. During 1786, in Massachusetts, a rebellion took place in response to increased taxes (“Shays’ Rebellion”). Farmers, led by Daniel Shay, gathered together to combat the local government (“Shays’ Rebellion”). Although this rebellion, known as Shays’ Rebellion, was eventually put to a stop, it was difficult for the government to do so because the Articles of Confederations lacked the establishment of a strong federal power (“Shays’ Rebellion”). This uncontrolled rebellion “convinced Gilman of the need to review the Confederation Articles” (“Nicholas Gilman”).…
So when Shays’s rebellion took place, a rebellion that ended in doubters believing that reform was necessary, the founding Fathers decided that they wanted to create a senate that would make decisions for the people because the people were too indecisive and inconsistent to make their own decisions. This rebellion was when the Western Farmers decided that they wouldn’t pay taxes. They armed themselves and rallied outside the courthouses. Though they stopped many from entering the court houses, numerous were arrested and some were hung. George Washington is relieved when this rebellion is over but says “Surely Shays must be either a weak man, the dupe of some characters who are yet behind the curtain, or has been deceived by his followers” (George Washington on Shay’s Rebellion).…
Settlers in the American backcountry often protested to express the grievances with the Federal Government and the regulations and policies they set in place. Taxes of goods and crops were the root for the Whiskey and Shay Rebellions. The Shay Rebellion raised awareness for the need of s a stronger central government. Referring to the Shay Rebellion, historian Leonard L. Richards quotes, "fundamentally altering the course of U.S. history." Farmers in Massachusetts in 1786 were fed up with the government.…
Initials: NC The founding fathers had a vision, a vision that all men are created equal, no matter what. there shouldn't be an all white school and an all colored school. People being allowed to eat wherever they want and not have to deal with racism. People in general should have the same rights as the person next to them. Doesn't matter what gender you are, or what color skin you have, we are all people.…
Also in 1787, they passed the militia act and the riot act. State militia ordered the men to stop and to hold their fire, but the men did not stop. When the militia came out and killed four men, Shay’s group ran away. Shay’s rebellion scared many Americans. Shays’ Rebellion is the name given to a series of protests in 1786 and 1787 by American farmers against state and local enforcement of tax collections and judgments for debt.…
In Southampton, VA, in 183, a violent rebellion led by Nat Turner caused the deaths of many white men, women, and children. While I believe Nat Turner thought he was fighting for the freedom of slaves, it was portrayed the wrong way because he was a religiously misguided fanatic. The rebellion caused more problems for the slaves rather than solve anything. For example, the rebellion made whites feel as though they had an excuse to torture, or execute innocent slaves. The fact that Nat Turner stated in his confessions that God spoke to him telling him to rebel proves my claim that he was religiously misguided.…
Seventeenth century Ireland was a violent time. War and the economy were increasingly interrelated and the links between the two continuously shaped the erratic course of Irish history. Violence typically leads to decreased economic output and turmoil as was the case in seventeenth century Ireland. In order to accurately depict the links between war and the Irish economy of the seventeenth century I will draw four concise links.…
Without Shays’ Rebellion, our nation's leaders would not have realized the problems The Articles of Confederation caused for the people. The leaders that realized this problem were George Washington, Alexander Hamilton and James Madison. They fixed this problem by starting the drafting of The Constitution at the Constitutional Convention in 1787. Shay’s Rebellion was an important conflict caused by the government’s weak economic policy and led to the actual rebellion which then resulted in the Constitutional Convention.…