Non-ionizing radiation occurs in things such as sound waves, radio waves, and ultra violet heat waves. People are exposed to non-ionizing radiation on a daily basis. For example, microwave ovens, which heat the food we eat. Toasters also contain non-ionizing radiation. This is because they use infrared waves to heat food. Radio waves are output through the television, cell phones, and the radio. Things containing non-ionizing radiation also include visible light, laser light, and ultraviolet light. Even though non-ionizing radiation is not as harmful as other forms of radiation and usually does not have the ability to infiltrate the body, it does have the ability to damage tissues if too much exposure occurs. For example, skin cancer or skin burns is caused by too much ultraviolet light from tanning, which contains …show more content…
Many people do not know about the everyday objects that give off radiation that is effecting the health of people. Things that people come in contact with containing radiation every day include soil, which contain radioactive particles, drinking water, natural gas, and consumer products. The consumer products include glass, computers, ceramics, clocks, phones, lamps, television, and watches. All of the products allow for the possibility of radiation exposure that may cause damage to the human body (Davis, 2017). People are unaware of the symptoms of radiation sickness. Radiation sickness includes experiencing feelings similar to those of a fever, such as diarrhea, high temperatures, or vomiting. Other symptoms include a drop in blood cell count, hair loss, skin burns, or blood / thyroid cancer. Death may also result from excessive radiation exposure. This is usually due to organ failure (Gould,