Already in 1455, the Portuguese people discovered South Africa, a nation that had almost unlimited access to valuable, material resources. The difference between this discovery and the Dutch’s was the long-lasting settlement in 1652. This was not over yet. The British people realized how crucial the colonization of this country was, both in trading and when it came to wealth. The final colonization …show more content…
As you probably know, south Africa is a nation that is blessed with an abundance of unique natural resources including minerals and farmlands. The white colonists saw this opportunity as crucial and “national party”, a white party that wanted to expand the white domination gained more power and became a majority. Strategists in this political party invented apartheid to cement their social and economic control. To put it in another way, they extended racial separation and maintained the white domination. With the enactment of apartheid laws in 1948 that touched every aspect of life, racial discrimination became institutionalized. There was a prohibition of marriage between a black and a white person. It was also a big amount of jobs only for white people. The black people were forced to live in separated areas from whites and use separated public facilities. They were also required to carry a passbook that contained fingerprints, a photo and information about themselves and their family. The difference between other episodes of segregation and racial hatred that have occurred in other countries is the systematic and organized way of it. Apartheid was mostly done by the …show more content…
Yes, black people have been supressed through several centuries, but don’t misunderstand this. White people also get discriminated and in South Africa, you can see clear examples. Especially at universities, students fight and confront each other because of racial hatred. Shocked teachers tell about students that made a racist video that got international attention and white people that have been assaulted at school. At some universities in South Africa, white people get denied entering classes and get overlooked in favour of their black counterparts with much less academic abilities and worse