Discrimination due to race has been going on for centuries. After years of abuse, mental and physical, victims are going to be upset. Even since the expansion of social media, people of all race can display their opinions and thoughts to the public. People across America who are not affected directly can share ideas and make plans through social media, often causing those to band together. In certain situations, this starts protests and anger driven actions. Movements, such as Black Lives Matter, are very prominent across various social formats. Their agenda is covered in magazines, televisions, and the timelines of social media pages. However, how are groups like these affecting America’s view on racism? Black Lives Matter is keeping racism in the media and roping in social outlets with their message. Words are just as important as actions, especially in the media when peers and other citizens will see what is being said. Social media is keeping racism alive and in our daily topics. For example, a story about an African American unarmed teen or adult is in the news everyday. A popular topic on computer screens currently is the fatal shooting of Keith LaMont Scott in North Carolina. There is scrutiny facing the police officers who shot unarmed man as they did not know what he had in his hands. For a police officer, there is more going on in their mind and whatever can be used as a weapon is considered a weapon. The media has shoved this story into our daily lives. However, people of all color are shot, beaten, or killed everyday. Yet, when a African American is affected, it stops the rest of the country from functioning successfully. When a white man is shot and killed, it is not plastered on televisions and tell-all stories are not published in magazines. It seems like …show more content…
Before Brown v. Board, African American children could not even go to school with their white peers. Many families struggled with sending their young kids to school since “colored” schools were completely out of the way of the communities they lived in. Literacy tests were given to African Americans to deter them from voting. Public media does not recognize this and how the country has evolved, even after 50 years. Looking back even farther, people can see that racism has been extended to those who would seem to have “white privilege”. The Irish were once treated like sewage in the streets, even worse than African Americans at one point, but the Irish do not have a sense of entitlement based around their culture. The sense of entitlement is inhibiting growth between people and cultures. Today’s media needs to stop validating this and focus on how entitlement is shaping our