To explain the role of racial policing in this article, I would like to mention the incident where enforcement officers used their power to stop the black men. I noticed that there was no criminal activity or suspicious near Steele and Mavis, Brampton. There was an expensive car drove by the black man stopped at traffic light. Suddenly, a police officer signaled the black men to pull over. There were two other expensive cars drove by white respondents. But, the police officer pulled the black man for search and question, which reflects the racial policing.
According to the law, policing is the use of police power to search or stop people in public places not to be based on race, gender, age, and neighborhood structure. The legislative law empowered police to stop and search citizens for the protection of society from threats and crime. But, there are circumstances, where police use their disproportionate power based on race, culture, color, and neighborhood structure. The most controversial policing issue in the society is the use of police force against black or ethnic people different from white people. The racial policing are the problem beginning of the war of drugs against the black community. Police treated black community distinct from a white community because the black community over-represented in the society for drugs, crime, and other illegal activity. The use of police power to stop and search sometimes reflects the racial discrimination. Police stopped the black respondents more occasionally compare with white respondents because of the over-represented of black respondents for criminal activities. According to Police and Criminal Evidence (PACE) Code of Practice, police can use the legal power of search and stop, if they confirm suspicious activity about a person, but without using the power of arrest (Bowling and Phillips, 2007). In England and Wales, "about 90 black respondents compare with 15 white people" were stopped and searched by the police (Bowling and Phillips, 2007: 944). The above figures show that blacks were stopped and searched six times more than white respondents because of their racial background (Bowling and Phillips, 2007). Canada is the multicultural country of different background immigrant. According to Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, everyone has the equal rights, liberty, and freedom from unreasonable search and to be free from discrimination. But, In Canada, racial policing to stop and search is the controversial issue. For example, "34 percent of black people have been stopped by the police as compared to 28 percent of whites and 22 percent of Chinese people" (Wortley and Akwasi, 2011:397). Police stopped and searched about "23 percent of black respondents on multiple occasions compared with the only 8percent of white males" based on their race and color (Wortley and Akwasi, 2011:398). According to the British Crime Survey, "police stopped 86 percent of black people without mentioned any reason as compared to 96 percent of white stopped were given a reason for the stop" (Bowling and Phillips, 2007: 944). Even, white respondents are more comfortable or agree with the reasons provided by the police to search and stop than black. Black people were stopped and searched "about 14 percent more compared with 4 percent of white people" …show more content…
(2016) describe the role of dominant groups over inferior groups through Conflict theory. Conflict theory suggests that the dominant groups socially build crime to the activities of lower groups (Hayle et al. 2016). Conflict theory outlines that police response is different in poor urban area than in upper-class area because of the low status or inferior people live in a poor urban area (Hayle et al. 2016). "Law is frequently working in a biased manner to protect the dominant people from threats caused by repressed groups" (Hayle et al. 2016). Police use aggressive policing plan in a high level of poverty area and ethnic community area because of believing that ethnic urban neighborhood commits more crime and use illegal drugs which disturb the social