Racial Discrimination Paper

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According to (http://www.workplacefairness.org/race-discrimination), “Racial discrimination is defined as the practice of treating individuals differently because of their race, color, or even culture”. This form of discrimination has been around for generations and causes a wide array of problems in today's society. In this paper I will be providing a reason as to why this form of discrimination develops in people. Provide cultural examples related to racial discrimination. As well as providing a solution and how we can prevent this form of discrimination not just in our current society, but also for many generations after this one.

When it comes to racial discrimination how does it develop in people? What two main factors need to be
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Another example that can cause racial discrimination to occur is a bad experience with one individual of that ethnic background. After 9/11 terrorist attacks, airport security was put on high alert, and Muslim men and women are now twice as likely to be racially profiled and stopped during the flight boarding process. Now not all Muslim people are terrorists, however due to a bad experience with certain individuals, many people automatically label all Muslims as terrorists.

Now how can we as a society prevent racial discrimination? Well, it all starts at the youth level as early as elementary school, but also needs to be continued throughout schooling. According to (Priest, N., King, T., Bécares, L., & Kavanagh, A. M. (2016). Bullying Victimization and Racial

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