In the article “Political Ideology and Racial Preferences in Online Dating” By Anderson, Goel, Huber, Malhotra and Watts, we examine a study which was done to examine why people tend to choose same-race relationships and if certain personal and political affiliations influence those choices.
Data was gathered using secondary data analysis by anonymizing a snapshot of user activity from a dating website during a 2 month window. Researchers looked for complete profiles. In addition to basic demographic questions, participants we asked a series of questions related to their racial preferences “... those reporting age, sex location, ethnicity, education, income, political ideology, marital …show more content…
The independent variables in this study were the respondent’s sex race and political ideology, The dependent variable was whether or not the respondent expressed having a preference for someone of the same race as “nice to have” or a “must have” when choosing who they would prefer to date. The behavior of the respondent’s as it relates to their answers was also reviewed. (ie: those who stated that they had no preference but exhibited behaviors showing otherwise.)
The findings of this research showed that people with conservative political viewpoints (white or black) were more likely to have a preference for a dating partner of the same race over their liberal cohorts, although they also noted that “women are substantially more likely than men to express both weak and strong same race preferences.” (Anderson et al. pg#33)
Ultimately the behavioral data showed that although women where the ones more likely to state a specific preference for the same race, men’s behavior indicated that they also had a equal preference for the same race even when they had indicated otherwise. This finding was true of both genders who had stated they had no preference. Of the respondents who