Rachel Carson, a renowned author of the famous text on environmental conservation, played a very significant role in influencing the way the world perceived and addressed environmental conservation. In her earlier publications, Carson tried to demonstrate and convince the world that people were not at the core of the earth’s ecosystem. She reinforced this view by describing the environment form the position of creatures that were not human . Her most prominent and influential publication was “Silent Spring”, which was published and made available during early 1960. In this article, Carson advocated for and pushed the notion of enlightened anthropocentricism. She argued that the novel scientific study and innovation should be examined in order to determine their purpose and the reasons behind their establishment; whether or not they are practiced. In this eminent publication, Carson also sought to bring the attention of the world to the question of whether or not people should change nature for purposes that benefit them or for people to try and leave nature as is. Since Carson’s book, “Silver Spring” was published, there has been and continue to be, a global debate with regards to scientific limitations on the capabilities in technologies, the responsibilities of scientists, as well as the use of chemical pesticides in particular. The very fact that the ideas and arguments by Carson resulted in a such an intense debate on environmental conservation reflects on the influence that she wielded. It is important to note that it was as a result of Carson’s book that the production of dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) was banned in 1972. Furthermore, this became the beginning of implementation by the government of regulations and laws that safeguard the environment . Most importantly, is the fact that she managed to make people aware of the fact that whatever they did and how they interacted with environment had to be controlled and regulated. The control and regulation were important since it would ensure that their consequences do not haunt the generations to come. This is a truth that cannot be denied or downplayed; in fact, it continues to resonate to-date. Although there is undeniable evidence today that there is nothing else that can convincingly explain climate change other than human activities such as the emission of greenhouses gases, the current U.S government head by Donald Trump are skeptic about climate science. In fact, President Trump have been quoted in the past as terming climate change as a hoax; an expensive one at that. As a result, he, since coming into office has taken action which in all intent and purposes aimed at undermining climate protections that successive government have put into place to avert global warming. A perfect example of this is the president’s decision to pull the U.S. from the Paris climate accord as well as hire a climate change skeptic to lead the national Environmental Protection Agency. Clearly, the current debate on climate change has been muddled rhetoric and interests that have blurred the comprehension of the effects and ultimate costs of climate change. Therefore, in this paper, a discussion is provided that attempts to explain and preempt the position and standing of Rachel …show more content…
It resulted in a lot of controversy; in particular, it elicited differing wild reactions from major players in the chemical pesticide industry, environmentalists, people in government agencies, and the entire public (Lear, 2013:3). His assertions and arguments regarding the dangers of using chemical pesticides were received with heavy criticism and condemnation from certain quarters, in particular, from representatives of the chemical industry and various scientist; other, especially environmentalist, exalted and praised her sentiments. Clearly, Carson’s arguments, in as much as they were controversial, resulted in overwhelming debate. Her legacies have continued to live on several decades later in both her physical attributes and philosophical contributions. Similarly, wild reaction to her ideas regarding the environment have also continued to date; this is evident in the assertion by people like President Trump who have wholesomely dismissed the existence of climate change. Indeed, she would have a position and something to say with regards to the ongoing controversial modern-debate on whether or not climate change