For both texts, “Patricia McKissack” and “How Does Your Body Take in Oxygen,” he answered all of the concept questions correctly so I proceeded with the assessment using these two texts. On the “Patricia McKissack” (5th grade narrative) text, Elijah was able to retell more of the details in the story as opposed to retelling details from the expository text. In regards to the expository text, “How Does Your Body Take in Oxygen,” he used the Look-Back and Think-Aloud strategies. Elijah retold 20 details from the narrative and 11 details from the expository …show more content…
On the 5th grade narrative “Patricia McKissack,” he was able to relate some of details to his life. Upon reading that Patricia McKissack was very close to her grandfather, Elijah said, “I am very close with my grandmother and grandfather.” He also said, “She must have a close family.” Elijah comes from a very tight knit family. He visits his grandparents every day. On the 5th grade narrative text “How Does Your Body Take in Oxygen,” Elijah did not relate any of the details to his life. However, he said he like learning about the human body.
Summary and Recommendations for Elijah
Word Identification Summary Elijah was able to recognize words while reading the 5th grade narrative with only three miscues due to not knowing how to pronounce last names and within the expository text, he did not know the meaning of two words. I know Elijah very well, based on hearing him read prior to administering the QRI, Elijah does mumble and/or skip words. He should be made aware that will contribute to him not fully comprehending the text he is reading.
Word Identification Recommendations
• Elijah used the look-back and think aloud strategies to help him think while he is reading which is encouraged. Strategies to listen to whether or not a sentence makes sense while reading should be