During his life he moved to Egypt to pursue a greater education and came out being specialized in Geometry and mathematics. He got an education from the Phoenicians in arithmetic, Chaldeans taught him astronomy, and lastly he was taught religious values from the Magians. While living in Egypt, Persia invaded and took him as a prisoner back to Persia and after gaining his freedom he left to Crete, Italy to study System of Laws. Very few historical relics and accounts have Pythagoras mentioned or shown due to his code of secrecy that have made his information very hard to find and obtain. Due to his code of secrecy not many people know exact information about him such as his death and birth. Historians know that he liked math and science but of all the records we have of him he was also was a strong follower of religion. He helped spread the religious values that he was taught in Egypt to Italy where he created schools to teach more people of Egyptian values and religion. Many people don't know where his body lies but there are many speculations about it and most show that he had died at the age of
During his life he moved to Egypt to pursue a greater education and came out being specialized in Geometry and mathematics. He got an education from the Phoenicians in arithmetic, Chaldeans taught him astronomy, and lastly he was taught religious values from the Magians. While living in Egypt, Persia invaded and took him as a prisoner back to Persia and after gaining his freedom he left to Crete, Italy to study System of Laws. Very few historical relics and accounts have Pythagoras mentioned or shown due to his code of secrecy that have made his information very hard to find and obtain. Due to his code of secrecy not many people know exact information about him such as his death and birth. Historians know that he liked math and science but of all the records we have of him he was also was a strong follower of religion. He helped spread the religious values that he was taught in Egypt to Italy where he created schools to teach more people of Egyptian values and religion. Many people don't know where his body lies but there are many speculations about it and most show that he had died at the age of