As the only Puerto Rican scholar,
As the only Puerto Rican scholar,
As people look at others around them and guess what cultural background they come from without knowing, in most cases, they are either slightly off or on the opposite end of the spectrum. Most everyone has been guilty by their assumptions of race or ethnicity at some point. When interviewing John Killingbeck, a twenty-year-old student at SIUe, I learned that he has background that surprised and interested me immediately. I recently met John and was aware that he was Latino, but I did not know enough of his unique cultural background. He was born and raised a United States citizen.…
Puerto Rico does have a Congressman that can “make the voice of Puerto Ricans be heard,” but the resident commissioner “cannot vote on any matters[,] not even those that affect the island” (Badillo 3). This type of injustice can be compared to the taxed colonists that revolted against “no taxation without representation”. According to the United Nations General Assembly Resolution 1514, “Immediate steps shall be taken, in Trust and Non-Self-Governing Territories or all other territories which have not yet attained independence ... with their freely expressed will and desire, without any distinction as to race, creed or colour, in order to enable them to enjoy ... freedom” (67). With that fact in mind, the most recent study showed that over half of Puerto Ricans favored the statehood parties (Barreto 98).…
The United States won control over Puerto Rico in 1898 after the Spanish-American War was over, Spain had surrendered the remainder of its overseas colonial empire to the United States. Even though Puerto Ricans were not considered citizens of the United States till 1917 with the Jones Act some say that “Puerto Ricans have been ‘born in the U.S.A’ since 1898.” (Nieto, 515) Once the United States had control over Puerto Rico, they had to decide the relationship with them and in 1952 they establish the status as a commonwealth. Puerto Rico gained its own Constitution and although they can organize their local government how they want to, Congress power over the U.S territory did not change or decreased. Once this relationship was established…
The population is primarily made up of blacks descended from African slaves. The number of Puerto Ricans and persons from the continental United States has increased in recent years. Less than half of the U.S. Virgin Islands population is…
It also offers a variety of housing options like condos with ocean front views and in-town rental apartments. Are You Thinking of Moving to Puerto Rico? Moving to Puerto Rico from the United States may be easier than you imagine. For starters, since it is part of the U.S., you may find the transition is a little easier.…
Puerto Ricans: citizens yet foreigners Today Puerto Ricans make up about 2.8 million of the population in America. Versus the island of Puerto Rico itself making up 3.8 million The authors parents came to America with one of the first big waves in 1946. His parents Juan and Florinda arrived at the airport from San Juan. In 1932 his grandfather who was an engineer died of pneumonia. Which consequently spiraled his family into poverty.…
My neighborhood was mostly Puerto Ricans and Dominicans, so I fit right in. My parents came from the Dominican Republic to the United States in the 60’s, providing us a better opportunity to advance. I could hear…
I have many example about that myself. I am Puerto Rican and I moved to the United States some years ago. When I moved here, I started to know people from other countries like Mexico, Honduras and El Salvador. In Puerto Rico we speak Spanish and I knew that in Mexico and Central America the speak Spanish as well, but I did not know that their Spanish was different from ours.…
The first inhabitants of modern-day Puerto Rico are the Tainos. This group of Indians were a subgroup of the Arawakan. The Tainos started to live in Puerto Rico, approximately 1000 AD. This group of Indians lived in small villages. They were gatherers and hunters.…
As of now, Puerto Rico produces only a 10% of what they consume. Incredibly enough, that 10% only includes two items; coffee and milk.…
(Puerto Rico the Profile pg 4) Its currency is the same as the U.S; they just use Spanish words to describe their money. At one period in time when the fare for traveling was cheap, many Puerto Ricans took advantage and moved to the Mainland. Many Puerto Ricans reside in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Hartford, or Newark. Not surprisingly more Puerto Ricans live in New York than in their own island’s capital.…
Imagine starting a new school, in a new state, maybe even a new country. On the first day of class looking around, seeing you 're the only one whose skin color is not white, you’re the only one with dark curly hair, and you 're the only one who “doesn’t belong.” Upon entering the classroom you hear comments like “It 's a Mexican”, “Do you even speak English?”, “How did you cross the border?” That 's what students like Natalia Martinez, Genesis Garcia, Kendrick Rosado, and I had to deal with when starting a new school. Students have taken it upon themselves to decide where someone is from and how they got here.…
The Commonwealth of Puerto Rico is a self-governing territory of the United States on an island of the Greater Antilles in the Caribbean. The Puerto Rican political relationship with United States has remained steady and non-violent since the take over after Spanish-American War. The island is considered a part of America, but votes on whether to remain a Commonwealth separate from 50 states or become the 51st state. Political relationship is quite extensive with United States Federal Government, but the residents are not tax payers. Puerto Rico’s possibility of becoming a state is closer than ever, and with half the population supporting, statehood is looking to be a great economic option.…
Puerto Rico Puerto Rico has many amazing things. The scenery of this island is beautiful along with its many great landmarks. Puerto Rico has a very interesting history. It is a United State territory, but does not have the same taxes and laws. Along with the history, comes the culture.…
For the first time in Puerto Rico’s history, they would have a voice in Congress, with five to seven representatives and two senators. Currently, Puerto Rico has a Resident Commissioner with a “voice” but no vote. Also, becoming a State would remove the island from the Territorial claws of the United States Constitution and would grant Puerto Rico the same political importance as all other 50 states. There are some negatives that the island has to take in consideration when making this decision. One of the reasons the idea of statehood could be argued is the rise of cost of living in the island by becoming part of the union.…