Did you know that Alcohol is one of the biggest killers in the UK? Alcohol seems like a 'normal thing ' these days. So why is this still able to happen when alcohol abuse is one of the biggest killers? Alcohol seems a lot more acceptable than drugs because we see it every single day, even though there are more people with alcohol related problems. So lets talk about Alcohol Abuse what it actually is and the affects of it psychologically and emotionally, and on the individual themselves...
Alcohol Abuse
Alcohol is measured in units, a small glass of wine (125mls) contains around one and a half units in it. A 25ml measure of spirits is one unit. It is recommended that men shouldn’t drink more than 3-4 units of alcohol a day on a regular basis, and for women it is even less it should be no more than 2-3 units per day on a regular basis.
What is the reason behind Alcohol Abuse?
Surely it is just that the person …show more content…
It can be easy to forget the emotional and psychological abuse that one suffers as an alcohol abuser. However this can also be very straining for the family and friends involved to see their family member or loved one go through this battle. The problem is that alcohol often masks the other problems in the victims life. Many think this isn 't a serious problem until it is too late. The cravings that people with an alcohol dependence have are so strong that they tend to take over everything else including family and friends, work and even financial matters. We have to remember that alcohol is not something that the person chooses and it is in fact a disease that can affect both physical and mental health. Alcohol is a depressant and heightens anxiety. It is a vicious circle that one the person with the problem can help themselves. They cant just switch it off at a switch of a button or just have 'an odd glass of wine