I plan on taking Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Microbiology and more. I want to become a Dermology Physican Assistant. Im willing to take extra school if needed because this is something that I want to do later in life. I don't think it matters the expense if you are passionate and know this is something you can see doing. I really liked anatomy in high school its interesting knowing how your body responds when certain things happen to you.…
The patient and her family are very fair skinned and are prone to changing moles. The patient does not have a family history of psoriasis Physical Exam: The PA examined the patient again to note any changes in the rash. She noticed that it had spread to the back of her legs and to the upper portion of her thighs. The skin was a blotchy dark red and looked swollen. The patient had a large patch the front of her lower legs and smaller patches towards the back of her lower legs and on her lower back.…
Psoriasis- thick red patches to the skin small red spots to the body it can be on your forehead on your back on your legs and it can cause irritation and itchiness. Psoriasis Can start of little patches on the scalp and its reddish and it is easily spreadable to the skin The best shampoo for psoriasis is medicated shampoo it helps calm the irritation down. Head Lice-feeling like something's crawling in your head Get advice from your doctor.…
The NIH document is written more for a layperson (nontechnical audience) with the information in this document anyone who is not familiar with psoriasis can get the basic information on what psoriasis is, the things that causes it, and the current treatment options. The purpose of this document is to give the reader the quick access to the basic information about psoriasis. This might be shared between a doctor and their patient to give them answer they may have down the road. The intended audience could use this as a reference point as they are going through the treatment process. I feel that this document is good for the nontechnical audience because it is broken down into easy to understand terms for people who are unfamiliar with psoriasis…
Robby is a 53-year-old male who suffers from chronic plaque psoriasis (L40.0). His symptoms include dry, itchy, red, flaking plaques located on his arms, elbows, legs and knees. Robby has tried and failed clobetasol treatment which gave him little to no relief. Robby is not a candidate for systemic treatments such as Methotrexate due to the adverse side effects (which can be fatal) of these treatments. As stated in the package insert from the manufacture “Methotrexate should be used only in life threatening neoplastic disease or in patients with psoriasis or rheumatoid arthritis with severe recalcitrant, disabling disease which is not adequately responsive to other forms of therapy.”…
Is there transcendentalism today in our world? Yes, there is tons and tons of transcendentalism today in our society. They are found mostly everywhere and we do not notice it. They can be found anywhere in general like television, music, art speeches and literature. For my project, I found a song that relates to transcendentalism.…
Tammy is a 55-year-old female who suffers from psoriatic arthropathy (L40.59) and plaque psoriasis (L40.0). Tammy’s symptoms include painful joints, red, scaly, itchy plaques located on her upper extremities. Tammy has tried and failed various treatments including Enbrel, methotrexate, dovonex, otezla, codeine, Vicodin, and Indocin, which inadequately controlled her symptoms. The denial states coverage of Stelara requires starting at 45mg.…
Cheri Baker Sheryl LeSage EG. Comp. 2 10-9-2015 Annotated Bibliography George, Nneka M., Julia Whitaker, Giovana Vieira, Jerome T. Geronimo, Dwight A. Bellinger, Craig A. Fletcher, and Joseph P. Garner. "Antioxidant Therapies for Ulcerative Dermatitis: A Potential Model for Skin Picking Disorder." PLoS ONE PLOS ONE (2015).…
• Palmoplantar pustulosis: This type of psoriasis is usually stubborn to handle, so doctors usually prefer to give topical treatment and then considered other treatments including UVB, PUVA, methotrexate, and cyclosporine. • Acropustulosis: This form of psoriasis is difficult to treat. Topical treatment may help some people, and many had success using systemic medications to acquit wounds and furbish up the…
It most often occurs on the elbows, lower back, knees and scalp. It has thick, red patches of skin that have a white or silver colored layer on top. Inverse Psoriasis Also called Flexural psoriasis, this type most often appears in the folds of skin such as under the breasts or in the groin or armpits. It looks smooth, red and shiny, and people with this type of psoriasis may have a different type on another part of their body.…
You want to know all about your skin changes, and a person needs to know right away if rashes appear on your skin. More than that, you want to understand it and know why they are appearing on your skin. Any spots and warts developed on your skin need to be checked out if the don't go away on their own in a reasonable amount of time. When you get under a doctors care, you need to make sure that during you treatment you need to tell them when it all started and what was happening to your skin. This way they can do everything they can and better.…
Protecting the body from disease and infection is the immune system, one of the body’s most important and necessary function. However in some cases, the immune system attacks healthy cells in the body by mistake; which can causes various of problems and diseases in the body. Conditions and diseases of this abnormal response of the immune system are often referred as an autoimmune disease. One of the most common autoimmune diseases is psoriasis, a chronic skin diseases categorized with raised, red, scaly patches on various parts of the body. Psoriasis, is a very complex disease and research is still being done for more effective treatments and to fine a definite causes for psoriasis.…
Impetigo is a contagious bacterial skin infection characterized by weeping lesions, mostly seen in children. Conjunctivitis(pink eye) is a common bacterial infection of the eye, it is extremely contagious. Herpes Simplex is a recurring viral infection that often presents as a fever blister or cold sore. Verruca is a hypertrophy of the papillae and epidermis, it is a virus that can be spread from one location to another. HIV/ AIDS is a disease that breaks down the immune system, it can be spread from person to person through blood or through other bodily fluids.…
Psoriasis is a bacterial chronic skin infection or autoimmune condition which causes the excessive development of skin cells. We can say that psoriasis results in the rapid increase and production of skin cells. The skin cells develop thick inside the human skin and then slowly rise to the surface of the body. However, finally they drop off, and this cycle is almost over a month. Irritating and unpredictable psoriasis are one of the most dangerous and lasting skin disorder.…