However, scientists around the world are using this possible form of eugenics to prevent premature deaths in infants. The chances of hereditary diseases, genomes susceptible to attack, and genetic mutations can also be prevented or decreased. For that reason, tinkering with the human genome prior to birth can be beneficial when preventing illnesses and blood disorders. Throughout the sources below, it is implied that human germline engineering is not eugenics because the government and health organizations have restrictive limitations on each case. For example, if a parent is concerned that their embryo will contract breast cancer from their hereditary line and would like to use genetic engineering to eliminate the chances, the procedure must be approved by the health institution of the location of the procedure. England aging scientist states, “If we spend millions trying to cure diseases like asthma, baldness, cancer, why shouldn't we prevent these diseases before we are even born?” (“Genetic Engineering”) As you can see, this form of human enhancement, has pure intentions for preventing conditions such as cognitive dwarfism and tissue-type plasminogen activator, which leads to heart
However, scientists around the world are using this possible form of eugenics to prevent premature deaths in infants. The chances of hereditary diseases, genomes susceptible to attack, and genetic mutations can also be prevented or decreased. For that reason, tinkering with the human genome prior to birth can be beneficial when preventing illnesses and blood disorders. Throughout the sources below, it is implied that human germline engineering is not eugenics because the government and health organizations have restrictive limitations on each case. For example, if a parent is concerned that their embryo will contract breast cancer from their hereditary line and would like to use genetic engineering to eliminate the chances, the procedure must be approved by the health institution of the location of the procedure. England aging scientist states, “If we spend millions trying to cure diseases like asthma, baldness, cancer, why shouldn't we prevent these diseases before we are even born?” (“Genetic Engineering”) As you can see, this form of human enhancement, has pure intentions for preventing conditions such as cognitive dwarfism and tissue-type plasminogen activator, which leads to heart