The court system is biased in child custodies and should not lean in favor towards mothers. “There was once a presumption that children should always stay with their mother following a divorce. Most states no longer honor that presumption, however. In fact, some states have passed laws stating that there is no custody preference for women over men. Despite this change, mothers are still more likely to get custody when parents’ divorce (Guerin).”
There is a patriarchal that fathers are usually known as the breadwinner and the mother the care taker, and because of this most attorneys and judges have a one-sided traditional view. Although I do not agree with the courts biased intentions, I can emphasize their reason, but …show more content…
It is so easy for woman to play the abuse card in child custodies, because it is serious and due to that problem men have a lower chance then they already have, based on the patriarchal that we view. “Some say nasty, even abusive mothers manipulate the laws that are already pitched in their favor in order to keep children away from their fathers (Nina).” Child custody is seriously damaging and is a horrific experience to go through. Especially when the child prefers to live with the father, but the court decides the mother holds full custody. Based on statistics from Professor Robert Hughes, Jr. from University of Illinois “a wide range of jurisdictions the estimates are that mothers receive primary custody 68-88% of the time, fathers receive primary custody 8-14%, and equal residential custody is awarded in only 2-6% of the cases.” Yes, not all attorneys and judges are biased but statistics show that most women gain child …show more content…
I disagree, that is an excuse used and when we become biased and unfair. Men on average work more than woman, so to argue that the child would be left neglected is wrong. Many people work multiple jobs to support their family. If the mother doesn’t have a job she would have to depend on child support, but what if the father dies the mother and has no one to rely on just to watch all her kids. Because of this unending cycle of the court favoring mothers with custody of children, the mother in turn will fight for child support money and other financial help such as food stamps and Medicaid. When they could’ve just given custody to the father who could’ve helped in many more ways than just raising a child. If it were the other way around the mom would have to be working to give child support and women pay less child support than men. “Dads continue to pay child support payments more often and in larger amounts than mothers, according to new statistics on child support providers and payments released by the U.S. Census Bureau (Arnold).” The court system views are unfair and