• Company Name – Timex and Fergasam Group (T & FG)
• Industry – Apparel Industry
• Products – High fashion garments
• Address- No455/1, Bauddhaloka Mawatha, Colombo 08
• Telephone Number- 0114728200
• Web - http://www.timexsl.com/
2) Introduction of the progressive bundle system
The progressive bundle system (PBS) of apparel garments production got its name from the bundle of garment parts that are moved consecutively from operation to operation. The bundle system is often referred to as the traditional garments production system.
PBS has been widely used by garment manufactures for the past several decades to – date. The AAMA Technical advisory committee (1983) reported that 80 percent of …show more content…
Garments operations perform the same operation on a continuous basis, which allows them to increase their speed and productivity. Operators of garments who are compensated by piece rates become extremely efficient at one garment operation and may not be willing to learn a new garment operation because it reduces their efficiency and earnings. Individual operators that were in a progressive bundle system of garment production are independent of other operators and the final product.
Slow processing, absenteeism and the equipment failure may also cause major bottlenecks within the style. Large quantities of work in process are often characteristic of this type of garment production style. These may lead to longer throughout time, poor quality concealed by bundle of garments, large inventory, and extra handling and difficulty in controlling inventory of garment industry.
Key disadvantages of the Progressive Bundle System at a glance;
• Time consuming due to assembling, moving and untying of bundle.
• More labour and labour …show more content…
As a consequence, good line balancing with small stocks in the sewing line has to be drawn up increase the efficiency and quality of production.
Line balancing is very crucial in manufacturing sector especially in apparel industries. The line needed to balance so that the line has the high value of efficiency. Higher value of line efficiency indicates that the line have the approximately equal cycle time between operators along the line. Besides that, the workload between operators also distributed equally which make the higher line efficiency and the target output can be achieved without having overtime.
Therefore, organization of similar type can use the research outcomes as a knowledge base to identify their problems and come up with suitable remedies. Finding of this research can be valuable and helpful to other similar apparel industries, those who expect better production efficiency through effective use of man, machines, materials and other