Mary Beth Sharko
American College of Education
Part One: Planning Professional Development
Who will attend your workshop?
I will invite all Covington School staff members to participate in the professional development workshop.
What are your goals for the workshop? What current event topic related to immigration or ESL/bilingual education will you share? How can teachers apply what you present to their own situation? Summarize the current event in a paragraph of 3-5 sentences.
The goal of the professional development workshop is to provide staff members at Covington School with strategies that can improve English Language Learners’ reading comprehension. Language delay is very often observed among young ELLs and many times ELLs have poor reading …show more content…
I will then ask them to write a strategy they use to help support ELL students in their class. Then they will crumple their paper into a ball. “Snowball Fight!” Everyone will throw their “snowball” and pick up a new “snowball”. We will share all the ideas with the group.
7:30AM Purpose of PD The purpose of this workshop is to provide elementary teachers with new ideas and resources to improve reading comprehension in young children who are learning English.
7:35AM Teacher engaged activity and materials • Making Connections
• Background Knowledge
• Bilingual Picture Books
• Retell Using Key Details
7:55AM Reflection School staff will discuss how they plan to apply the use of visual strategies in their own classroom.
8:10AM Exit ticket Staff that attended the workshop will write on a sticky note something they learned during the workshop and a question they still have about