I have never been one to perform well under stress, and I have always struggled to keep focus in tense situations. I am a firm believer that stress and procrastination are directly correlated in my life. When I wait until the last possible second to get my schoolwork done, I am bombarded with an overwhelming amount of stress and it causes me to perform more poorly than I would under normal circumstances. This has a very negative impact on the quality of my work, which ultimately leads to less than adequate grades on my assignments. I have always been a student who performs well and receives high grades, but if I intend to keep that streak going I need to rid myself of this terrible habit. While procrastination has an enormous impact on my grades, it also takes a toll on my life at home or more specifically, my relationship with my parents. I have so many daily tasks that I have to complete, that it makes it extremely difficult to keep track of the little things that need to be done around my house to keep everything up and running. Simple jobs like washing the dishes, and taking the garbage out to the street are tasks that so often become buried under mountains of other seemingly more important tasks that are constantly being piled onto my plate. I continue to put off these minute tasks that could be completed in a matter of minutes, and before I know it the garbage truck has already come and gone, and someone else has already washed all of the dishes. When these jobs are not completed when they should be, it tends to aggravate my parents rather quickly. When my parents are aggravated the overall atmosphere in my home is knocked off balance, and my family’s mood takes a turn for the worst. If I would just take a few minutes to complete these tasks rather than putting them off until my parents become upset, life at my house would be much more satisfying for my entire family. Even though procrastination has now taken a swing at my family, it still feels the need to attack another aspect of my life. As I stated earlier, procrastination produces an enormous amount of stress in my life. The vast amount of stress that comes from my ridiculous amount of procrastination has a direct impact on my well-being and overall health. It causes me to sleep less because …show more content…
In the moment it can feel so relieving to say “Eh, I don’t really feel like doing this right now I’ll get it done tomorrow,” and before I know it tomorrow becomes today and I still continue to think the same redundant thoughts. It is time for me to stand up against this horrible habit that is taking over so many critical aspects of my life. I have struggled with procrastination throughout my whole life, and somehow managed to get by with my education, my home life, and my health, despite the vast amount of turmoil that procrastination has caused for me so far. If I am to live a happy and healthy life in which I thrive, I know that I will have to stop this habit dead in its tracks. As a creature of habit it has become so easy for me to push many off my tasks over to the sidelines, and do only what satisfies me at the moment. But if the definition of success is accomplishing a purpose, than I know that I must change my ways. I know for a fact that my purpose is not to be an unproductive individual that fails in its’ attempts to contribute to society. I was born to live my life to the fullest every day with a smile on my face, and a spring in my