The Ethical Issues Surrounding Abortion The abortion debate is one that has baffled the world for centuries, and in the process has made this debate more complex and controversial. The abortion debate handles the ‘rights’ and ‘wrongs’ associated with the deliberate termination of pregnancy, which ultimately destroys the fetus.[1] Around the world, abortion has become a very sore topic, with many men and women finding themselves in a moral dilemma with regards to pregnancy termination.[2] This polarising topic has either supporters or opposers, with very few that remain undecided. There are two main questions that are often raised in this moral debate.…
Abortion has been an issue in New Jersey for many years, not only in New Jersey but it as be an issue for everyone all over the world. Everyone has their own opinion about it; whether they are with it or against it. I am going to discuss on the Legislative process in New Jersey on this issue. I am also going to discuss on the rationale that is involved when choosing the process of legislation and the impact it has on the public welfare and health. Other factors that are going to be discussed are the benefits and limitations of the legislation as well as the financial implication the legislation has.…
Freakonomics More abortion in early 1970s - Present ( due to the Roe vs Wade U.S Court ruling) The effect was that it dropped crime rate. The book says,” One study has shown that the typical child who went unborn in the earliest years of legalized abortion would have been 50% more likely than average to live in poverty, he would have one parent. These two factors- childhood poverty and a single-parent household-are among the strongest predictors that a child will have a criminal future.” (Pg. 138-139)…
How can anybody take away a woman’s right to choose what to do with her own body? It took a long time for women to get the right to vote or to be treated as an equal to a man when it comes to the workplace or money but when it come to their own body, the government can decide what to do with it. There is a misconception that pro-lifers do not understand about people who are pro-choice. pro-choice does not…
In December of 2015, a women living in Tennessee named Anna Yocca, age 31, attempted to abort her pregnancy in her own home using a wire coat-hanger. Since the pregnancy was 24 weeks along, which is just about the limit to which an abortion will be performed by a clinic, she is being charged with the attempted murder of her unborn child. There are not many details provided in the article about any possible circumstances surrounding the case and there is hardly anything written about the mother apart from the police sergeant, Kyle Evans, bluntly saying that she tried to murder her baby. The baby, who was delivered more than 10 weeks early, was born with several issues, including a very low birth weight and damage sustained to some major organs, one of which was the heart.…
In our day and age, you will undoubtedly hear the pro-abortionists say these exact statements “it’s between the woman and her doctor” or “a woman has the right to choose.” The world today is in great peril; can people recognize right from wrong? Pro-abortionists say it is wrong to make abortion illegal in the United States because, you deny women’s right to health care. Therefore, the pro-abortionists in other words believe that, to deny a woman her right to choose an abortion, is an attack on her rights.…
Women in America were granted the right to an abortion in 1973 with the court case Roe v. Wade. Since then, little progress has been made with regard to making abortion more accessible and affordable to underprivileged women. Many States have imposed legislation that makes its next to impossible for a woman to receive an abortion. Some restrictions set forth by States include: pricey ultrasounds, excessive visits to the physician, waiting periods, and trimester limitations (Hogue, 2016). Due to the States’ legislation on limiting abortion, abortion should be a right in the hands of the federal government to protect.…
Throughout the course of this class, I have had the opportunity to gain a comprehensive span of knowledge of a multitude of Public Health issues. I have found that most of these issues affect everyone, but minorities and those with a lower socioeconomic status more affected m more severely. In class, we covered issues from health care policy to environmental justice and maternal and child health. Through this course, I have learned that reproductive rights are something that I am very interested in. Throughout high school, I felt like I was always the girl that people would come to with questions about birth control, safe sex, or testing for STI’s, in reality, it was probably just friends confiding in friends, but I knew we had a lack of knowledge.…
As the young girl sat down in the dining room table with her family, she’s choked up, barely being able to breathe, her heart beating out of her chest, the room slowly closing in on her. She’s been trying to build up the courage to tell her mother for weeks now but, she knew that it would only break her heart. At the delicate age of 15, she is 5 weeks pregnant. A child herself is now going to be responsible for another life before she could even start her own.…
Abortion Essay Rough Draft One half of pregnancies among American women are unintended, and four in ten of these are terminated by abortion. Abortion is a widely debated issue today, with many legal, social, and political implications. This essay discusses the ethical issues of abortion, up until the first trimester, more specifically who should be allowed to have one, whether or not the fetus has rights, the government’s place in abortion, and the level of access of abortion. Abortion should continue to be legal and readily available, and decisions made about it should be left between woman and her doctor. Abortion has been used to control reproduction throughout history.…
Certain people may be pro-choice because they are not given the big picture about what is going to happen to the unborn baby, they may in fact have their innocence taken advantage of, simply because they were not fully informed. There are two main sides to this issue, and that is either the pro-choice side, or the pro-life side. Pro-life is the idea and belief that no matter what development stage a baby is in, it should be allowed to live, whereas pro-choice means that aborting a baby is alright for people to do. After examining the following evidence people may see that pro-life is a better option to pro-choice. The following articles will prove how some people choose to be pro-choice because they don’t even want to listen to the other side, and when morality is brought into the argument, pro-life seems to be the more appealing selection.…
Should Abortion Be Illegal? Abortion is a serious topic that people have debated for many years. Everywhere you look the topic abortion appears on television or in newspapers. It already has, and will continue to cause, controversy for years to come. The right to life is the most simple, yet important right that we have.…
The definition of abortion according to iS "The termination of pregnancy by the removal or expulsion from the uterus of a fetus or embryo prior to being capable of normal growth.” While pro-life supporters believe that abortion should be illegal, but what many of them are failing to acknowledge that if abortion was to be illegal, then even more unsanitary and unsafe abortions would occur, and more pregnant women would die. Presently, about 70,000 women die from unsanitary and unsafe abortions, a number that cannot be ignored.…
Abortion: Pro-Choice Shouldn’t you be able to decide what you do with your body? How would you feel if someone told you what your could or could not do to your own body? This is the dilemma women face every day since abortion is constantly a topic of much debate. There are many opinions on whether or not women should be able to have an abortion or not. I think women should definitely be able to have an abortion if they want to.…
“There will be over 3,500 killed in the USA today from abortion. No flags lowered, no presidents crying. No media hyperventilating. Normal Day,” –Matt Drudge. Abortion is a very serious and controversial topic.…