They don’t want the government to have the right to tell us what to do with our rights, whether it be with abortions, contraception use, etc. However, being pro-choice generally has a negative reputation. It’s assumed that they want women to terminate pregnancies, they want people to be able to “legally murder”. When in fact, pro-life people are against any type of murder just like pro-choice people, they just believe that women should be able to do what’s best for their life when it comes to their own body. Being pro-choice does not mean you support murder. It’s supporting the mother and father’s choice of wanting a better life for the unborn child. It’s us understanding if a young girl won’t be able to raise a child because she was raped. It’s not meaning we want a family or woman to go through that loss, it’s that they support their decision with understandable reasons. Pro-choice isn’t supporting promiscuous women frequently getting abortions because they don’t practice safe sex. Abortion is not and should never be looked at as a form of contraceptive, or an easy way out of raising a …show more content…
Forget the stereotype that they’re only done due to laziness, because it gets quite personal. Some are done because the mother or both parents won’t be able to raise the child as well as they’d like to, whether they’re not financially ready to provide the child with what it needs or the relationship between the mother and father isn’t stable and healthy enough to bring a child into this world. They don’t want the child to have an insufficient life and suffer even more. Some women are even a victim of rape or incest, but that one is pretty self-explanatory. Women could also have health issues, to where they’re not healthy enough to complete the pregnancy, or they could find out that there is a terminal problem with the developing child and don’t want it to suffer any longer. It’s not that a woman “wanted” to get an abortion in these cases, it’s that it needed to be done. Getting an abortion always has an emotional impact on a woman’s life, they could feel guilty, relieved, at peace, or depressed. Clinics and doctor offices always provide counseling for the woman or family, regardless of her reason. It is understanding why some people are against abortions, though. Nobody ever wants to hear about a child dying, even if it hasn’t been born yet. Abortions are quite upsetting, knowing that someone won’t be able to live and experience life. Nobody ever makes it their life goal to get an abortion, even if they simply just don’t