(2014), right side heart failure is defined by a vicious cycle of acute decomposition, worsening symptoms and subsequent stabilization following hospitalization. However, since patients feel they have recovered after admission, they are likely to feel they no longer require more tablets. The move results in poor drug compliance leading to re-admission and re-stabilization of the patient. The author calls upon physicians, nurses and other healthcare providers to educate the patients on drug compliance and the need for them to continue taking the drugs (De Vette et al., 2014). Physicians should offer patients with right side heart failure health education and allow them to participate in the treatment process. They should be informed about the condition as well as its management. Drifting from seen the patient as a passive recipient of health information and allowing them to be active partners in health management can empower them. Most patients benefit from health education and can monitor their weight and manage their diuretic medication as long as they know when they are required to contact a physician or a
(2014), right side heart failure is defined by a vicious cycle of acute decomposition, worsening symptoms and subsequent stabilization following hospitalization. However, since patients feel they have recovered after admission, they are likely to feel they no longer require more tablets. The move results in poor drug compliance leading to re-admission and re-stabilization of the patient. The author calls upon physicians, nurses and other healthcare providers to educate the patients on drug compliance and the need for them to continue taking the drugs (De Vette et al., 2014). Physicians should offer patients with right side heart failure health education and allow them to participate in the treatment process. They should be informed about the condition as well as its management. Drifting from seen the patient as a passive recipient of health information and allowing them to be active partners in health management can empower them. Most patients benefit from health education and can monitor their weight and manage their diuretic medication as long as they know when they are required to contact a physician or a