Concept: Solid, liquid, or gas
Sunshine State Standards/Access Points/Common Core:
SC.2.P.8.2- Identify objects as solid, liquid, or gas.
Primary Instructional Objectives:
- Students will be able to identify what the difference is between a solid, liquid, and gas.
- Students will be able to identify examples of solids, liquids, and gasses.
- Students will be able to sort objects by whether they are solid, liquid, or gas.
- Students will be able to define matter and where you can find it.
- Students will need to know what a solid, liquid, and gas is.
Possible Misconceptions:
- Students might confuse a solid and a liquid when water is frozen.
- Students might get the states of matter confused.
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Next to the 3 states of matter that we wrote on the board earlier, I would write how you know which state of matter something is. (Solid-stay put and keeps their own shape, liquid- forms to whatever you put it in; gas- expands to fill any space). I would then hand out one card to every student that has a something different on it (could be a solid, liquid, or gas) and I would explain that the students needed to arrange themselves into the 3 states of matter based on what their card says. I would then tell the students where they need to go around the room if they represent a solid, liquid, or gas. After I explained all the expectations, I would allow them to stand up and arrange themselves accordingly. They will have one minute to do so. After all of the students are where they think they’re supposed to be, I will go over to each of the areas and have each student read out their card and the rest of the class will say yes or no depending on if they agree with the students placement, or not. After we go through every category and every student, I will have them meet me back on the carpet so I can go over what they are doing at their seats to practice states of