Some preventative actions can be taken before sexual intercourse is taken, to reduce the number of pregnancies before marriage. Sexual education in high school can teach young teens to wait for marriage to have sex and start a family. Insurance companies are now offering coverage on abortion procedures, encouraging unwanted pregnancies, allowing hospitals to make more money. If procedures had to be paid in full by the women and are not offered financial help, women would be discouraged to kill the child. Teens are able to get ahold of emergency contraceptives, including abortion hospitals, to fix their mistakes that could have been encouraged otherwise by their parents. Some clothing that women wear can appeal to the “wrong crowd” and could get girls and women raped. Not every rape was promoted by scantily dressed women, but it could be prevented by dressing more modestly. Young men are growing up in a world where women are looked at like objects. Domestic violence and sexual abuse are at an all time high, as well as abortion. Program promoting the prevention of violence and sexual abuse should be taught in schools and other public settings to inform people, especially women, about the possibilities of getting hurt or used …show more content…
Maiming innocent children is cruel and becoming all too normal. Losing a life to make others better is not only selfish but murderous. Performing abortions, especially during late second and third trimester abortions, is graphic and mortifying. A child, fully developed or starting to develop, is nevertheless a child. Every person comes from “tissue” and will continue growing tissue. Lacking the preventative actions is not the fault of the child but both parents. Rape happens, but in some circumstances that could be prevented, too. Every person has a reason on the earth and deserves a chance at life. “‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.’” Every person is made to have a future; everyone was created to live out their life to see their plan God has created for