Present Day Zombies Research Paper

Improved Essays
The Evolution of Zombies
The history of the early year of Zombies to the present day Zombies. The Zombies started in the year 1932, there have been many Zombie movies made, but there were not that many made in the early 1930’s. Throughout the years, to the present day Zombies, there have been many different types of Zombies consisting of different effects. In the article it states that “There have been many causes of Zombies in film, from natural death, to some sort of infection outbreak, or nuclear radiation that causes people's skin to fall off…” The Zombies have changed since the beginning, they started from an “Original” white Zombie, then they went to a blue tint around in the late 1970’s, that is also when it started showing the different guts, the different blood spills, and brains splattered everywhere. Zombies have always been known to be slow and pretty dumb in the head. Then in the years after the blue Zombies, they began to work differently with them, such as giving them the ability to work with humans and learn.
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Up until the early 2000’s he Zombies were no longer having that blue tint to them and they begin to add effects such as blood pouring from their eyes and noses. The Zombies started from this original white Zombie to a blue tint Zombie then it went to biochemical Zombies. Zombies have always been brought up of as this flesh eating person that will make you die and then turn you into one of them, it’s a chain reaction through deaths. In early stages of Zombies they were known to be slow and dumb in the head and now in the new movies and the different T.V. shows you begin to see the change in that, they are beginning to get more stronger and more powerful. They have just been more improved through the years of Zombies and there has not been a cure to help the Zombies yet to this

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