A cardiac catheter is a procedure where a catheter is inserted into a vein or artery in the leg, arm or neck and is guided through the circulatory system until it reaches the heart (American Heart Association, 2010). This procedure allows for the cardiologist to measure cardiac output, identify defects in the valves, arteries and chambers of the heart as well as measuring the pressure in the heart and the electrical activity of the heart. (McEnroe-Petitte,2011). This procedure is a very effective diagnostic procedure but can also be used as a therapeutic procedure, for example to place stents in a blocked artery to increase blood flow (Fallon, 2007). Therefore the main reasons for a patient to undergo a …show more content…
The wound site must be monitored and the patient must be educated on how to care for the wound site (Queensland Government, 2014). Usual medications as well as post procedure medications must be administered, the patient must be encouraged to have a increased fluid intake for 48hrs and a cardiac diet as tolerated, also the nursing staff must make sure they are able to void normally after the procedure. (Sydney Children’s Hospital Network, 2014). The patient must have strict immobility for the first hour with the bed up no more than 30 degrees and depending on the puncture site they must rest in bed for 4-6 hours following the procedure (Queensland Health, 2014). After the 4-6 hours bed rest the patient may mobilize as long as the puncture site and observations are stable and attend to hygiene independently (Queensland Government