Our course text said early on, that “Most gunsmiths who specialize in selling black powder arms and accessories do very good business. those who also specialize in black powder gunsmithing do even better.” Thus, proving a significant point… that we need to have a solid idea of what needs to be known for a gunsmith to work on black powder weapons. Like I said earlier, I’ve got very limited knowledge when it comes to black powder rifles, so it was cool that we went all the way back to the discovery gunpowder. We were told that the “origin of gunpowder is still uncertain, but its discovery is generally attributed to roger bacon, who recorded its formula in 1248.” And that “in his later works, …show more content…
of Kansas began experimenting some years ago with a black powder substitute. after much expense and explosions that killed some of its employees, Hodgdon now manufacturers a black powder substitute called Pyrodex that is available at gun shops and sporting goods stores.” Our text went on to say that “Pyrodex is a pyrotechnic composition that is best described as replica black powder. it does not contain nitrocellulose, nor is it a smokeless propellant. rather, it is a propellant designed for use in percussion and black powder cartridge arms that are in good shooting condition. although Pyrodex is not black powder, it does smoke.” Once again, I had no knowledge of what Pyrodex was prior to this lesson. I also learned a bit about the rules and regulations that must be considered when shipping black powder, Pyrodex, and similar