It shows the large amounts of these substances in these foods and also compares them to the suggested daily values. The article shows different fast food chains compared to each other in graphs and tables. The tables help determine which of the major fast-food chains is worse for you based on daily values. It also gives suggestions for better options to eat and if you have to choose one of these major fast food chains. The article provides the number of fast food restaurants per 100,00 residents. A graph shows the 5 towns with the most amount fast food restaurants per 100,000 residents and the 5 towns with the least amount of fast food restaurants per 100,000 residents. The city with the most is Pensacola, Florida with 160.2, and the city with the least is San Buenaventura California with less than 1 fast food restaurant per 100,000 residents. I will use this for values of sodium, fat, saturated fat, and calories that are within famous fast food menu items to show the large/unnecessary amounts of these things that are within the fast food, and show the negative effects it has to the body, as well as, show the number of fast food restaurants that are in the population as a …show more content…
The study was done with counties across the nation. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between access to retail food outlets and the prevalence of adult diabetes by county economic and racial composition. The density of retail foods outlets varied greatly, but medium-minority populations had the least access to grocery stores and the highest access to fast food restaurants and convenience stores. It was discovered that fast food restaurants and convenient stores had a positive effect on the prevalence of type 2 diabetes. Furthermore, the study proved that fast food restaurants were positively associated with weight gain and obesity. I will use this article to further prove the point that fast food chains are negatively affecting the population's