Shortly after, a rival of Popocatépetl falsely told Iztaccíhuatl that her love had been killed in battle. The princess died of grief after she heard this news. Popocatépetl returned victorious but was shocked by the princess's death. To honor her, he ordered a tomb to be built close to the sun. Ten hills were united to create a mountain. Popocatépetl laid the princess's body at the mountaintop, and the whole mountain took on the form of a sleeping woman. Then as the warrior kneeled before his lost love, snow covered them, and they both transformed into volcanoes.”
With this story, they tried to explain the coincidence or a mountain in form of a woman, just because they didn’t have much knowledge and were trying to explain the inexplicable at the …show more content…
Furthermore, I can say the biggest ones around the world and become a foundation for a lot of religions are the myths about battles between good and evil. Most people believe myths are on sense stories but, if you pay attention to our daily lives there are some that marked our lives. Additionally, even with the technology we now count on, there are still things that can’t be explain and once again we reply back on what or ancestors believed and passed along to us. Conversely, I also think that myths are not only stories from the past, but we are still creating myths as we go and people will always benefit from them as long as they know how to get the best out of them. In fact, people may also call the myths from today “urban legends” and most of them are usually scary stories, narrations about good vs. evil. In the final analysis, there are endless myths around the world with different objectives but always trying to teach something beneficial to others. I decidedly believe they do have an important part in our everyday lives and the way humans think. Ultimately, myths and legends are important to us today for a number of reasons. They have value as literature, offering timeless and universal themes; they give us insight into other times and places; and they help us to accept and comprehend the