Political correctness has evolved from something that shouldn’t be taken seriously and has quickly destroyed any opposing views. The official description of political correction utilized by most is the practice of silencing opposing opinions that dwell on the concept of race, religion, or sex that might be offensive to some. The origin of this joke is just that, a joke. Taken from a comic strip, the term was utilized as a joke of sorts mocking how the other person took situations too much to heart. Like the comic strip, millennials rely heavily on their feelings to convey what their brains are trying to say. It has become a disease of the mind and blocks critical thinking and the ability to process …show more content…
To refer back to a previous negative notion, social justice gives most of these people a false sense of being heroic. It creates a mentality between these individuals, to take the law into their hands. Nonsensical terms such as "trigger warnings," "microaggressions" and "safe spaces" only benefit these individuals by blocking out any and all criticism The western world, namely America, has been the epicenter of this disease, because as Bill Lind puts it bluntly “For the first time in our history, Americans have to be fearful of what they say, of what they write, and of what they think"(Lind. 30). Americans are starting to realize the hypocrisy coming from the other side as well. The Black Lives Matter organization is guilty of this practice, one minute demonize a white police officer for having to take the shot, and then have the police officers the organization demonized as racists; protecting them from other protesters. College campuses are not safe from these types of views. Deans of these colleges ultimately submit to orders given by the BLM organization or any organization to avoid any negative press. David Limbaugh expresses his distain with this practice by stating "But I am far more concerned with what they reveal about the state of race relations in this country -- at least on college campuses -- and the messages we are sending to young people"(Limbaugh. 13). Most black …show more content…
Tolerance was the self-destructive mentality that would have brought society down to a level of the problems faced with society today, not wanting to deal with the bigger picture. The same problems were carried into the twenty-first century and are still persisting with PC culture dominating anything race related. People have become too accepting of bias news sources feeding them misinformation. The issue of the media defending alleged members of Black Lives Matter murdering innocent cops, and turning the situation into a race war. The fear of labeling a member of Islam as a terrorist, has become the focus point of this controversy. There has been a push back against this type of behavior for little over a